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Image by Oliver B

Threat Analysis & Risk Assessment (TARA)

Clarity of your Digital Infrastructure


Leverage our experience and understanding to get a clear understanding of the threats and risks to your organisation.



Gaining a clear understanding of the threats and risks to your digital infrastructure and business domain is crucial for effective threat detection, resource prioritisation, compliance, risk management, incident response, and overall business continuity and growth.​



The process begins by establishing a clear understanding of the digital architecture, and the relevant threats, based on the industry-standard STRIDE methodology.


This includes an understanding of how the threats might exploit vulnerabilities in the infrastructure, and the potential impact that could result on the security, safety and resilience of the business operations.


A series of potential countermeasures and mitigation actions are developed, which can then be prioritised according to the potential impact on the business.


Key Features:

ANGOKA’s unique methodology, which consists of three stages:

  1. System Definition

  2. Threat Analysis

  3. Risk Assessment.


TARA+ follows the same unique methodology with advanced

4. Threat Identification 

5. Attack Path Analysis.


TARA and TARA+ align with common cybersecurity, automotive and industrial systems automation standards, such as ISO27003, MITRE, ISO 62442, NIS2, ISO 21434, SAE J3061, and UN R155.​​​​​



Threat Identification

​Provides clarity on specific threats and attack vectors, enabling focused defense strategies to safeguard the system.


Vulnerability Analysis 

Identifies system weaknesses that attackers could exploit, helping to close security gaps before they can be leveraged.


Comprehensive Risk Assessment 

​Offers a detailed understanding of the potential impact of various threats, empowering better-informed decisions to protect system resilience.


Risk prioritisation

Allows for the efficient allocation of resources by focusing efforts on the most critical and high-risk threats, optimising security investment.


Actionable Recommendations

Provides clear and practical steps for implementing effective cybersecurity controls, ensuring that risks are mitigated and compliance is maintained.

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